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Utah Travel Headlines

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving From

We hope you have an enjoyable Thanksgiving Day wherever you are. Hope you have the opportunity to spend time with loved ones. Hope you take time to express thanks for blessings and opportunities in your life.

Some of the things we are thankful for:
  • Family and friends, of course
  • Food and shelter and other necessities of life
  • The opportunity to work, to earn a living and provide for family members
  • Recreational opportunities, particularly those that can be shared with loved ones
  • The beauties of nature including wild animals and wild places
  • The opportunity to travel, see new places, learn new things, meet new people
  • The opportunity to relax, unwind, de-stress
Hope you have occasion to enjoy the laughter of a child, the song of a bird, a fresh breeze bouncing tree limbs bending tree limbs, and the tranquility of wild places.

Hope to see you on the trail, the slopes, the beach or the river.

– Dave Webb


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