Digging Utah's Dinosaurs
Major new dinosaur
sites are discovered in Grand
Staircase-Escalante National Monument on a regular basis and the
world has taken note. News articles have been frequent. Now, National
Geographic magazine is spotlighting the area in a huge, 20-page
feature, complete with impressive photos and graphics.
National Geographic titles the feature:
Utah's Dinosaurs. It will
appear in the May 2014 issue.
News and Salt Lake Tribune both have background articles on the
magazine article.
are a couple excerpts from the National Geographic article:
75 million years ago, Utah was part of an island landmass called
Laramidia. It was hot and swampy—and dinosaurs ruled...
the 20 million years or so that it existed, Laramidia seems to have
been a runaway dinosaur factory, cranking out large and small
dinosaurs in a surprising diversity of species. Figuring out how and
why that happened, the researchers said, could tell us something
fundamental about the interplay between ecology and evolution.
why he and his team return season after season to the Utah badlands,
where every trek into the desert sheds new light on Laramidia’s
story. “Every rock you crack open, you’re saying, Oh my God, I’ve
never seen that before,” Miller said. “It’s brand-new. Unknown
to science.”
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