Volunteer At Best Friends Plus Best Road Trips
West-Centric travel has this
new blog post by a guy who spent a day volunteering at Best
Friends Animal Sanctuary, located near Kanab
and Zion National
Best Friends is the largest no-kill
sanctuary in the US and it depends on volunteers to help care for the
animals. Volunteers can do a variety of jobs including walking and
grooming and cleaning up. Some animals are even available for sleep
Not just dogs and cats but birds,
bunnies, larger animals, reptiles...
Here's a quote from the blog:
After a brief
orientation for Dogtown, it was off to the Puppy Preschool area. I
chose to work with the puppies (who wouldn’t??) but you can also
spend time with senior dogs, which I plan to do next time I visit.
Volunteers do a
variety of tasks, and the day I was there I took puppies for walks
and played with them in the fenced-in exercise area. Yeah, it’s
hard work but somebody’s gotta do it. The pups have temporary names
based on random things. I played with some of the “cheese”
malamute mixes, Havarti and Mozzarella…:
On a related note: Emmylou
Harris Honored by Best Friends Animal Society for Her Longstanding
Work on Behalf of Homeless Animals
Best Friends has many friends in high
places, including numerous actors and preformers.
Lonely Planet's Best Road Trips
To promote release of the second
edition of it's book, USA's Best Trips, lonely planet has named five
trips in this
teaser article. Here are names of the five trips highlighted:
Coastal New
Michigan’s Gold
Four Corners
Ivy League Tour
Mighty Mo
Comments on the article are also worth
reading. Many commentators share my view that Four
Corners is worth seeing - once - but that the area around Four
Corners is amazing and warrants repeated trips.
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