Delicate Arch Has A Twin; Dinosaur NM Wins Accolades
National Park is showcasing the two interesting photos shown above:
Arch just discovered it has a long-lost twin in Bolivia's Tucabaca
Park." (See
the full-sized photos.)
The resemblance is amazing. I know
Arch is stunning when you see it in person. It's one of my
favorite photo subjects. I'm sure Bolivia's arch is also impressive.
Makes me want to go see.
Dinosaur National Monument has this
interesting article about Dinosaur
National Monument. Here are a couple quotes:
It’s a park to
make Steven Spielberg proud, with not only one of the world’s
largest concentrations of dinosaur bones from the Jurassic Period
ever discovered, but also white-water rafting wild enough to make the
most jaded action-film fan squeal.
Twenty miles east
of Vernal, Utah, is the Dinosaur Quarry (accessible only from the
Utah side), the destination for most day visitors to the
325-square-mile monument. More than 1,500 bones of the so-called
‘terrible lizards’ that lived here 150 million years ago have
been exposed on a 200-foot rock face.
Dinosaur is located just east of the
town of Vernal, in NE Utah. The
monument sports a bran new
Quarry Building and Visitor Center.
It's one of the great places in the world to bring kids for education
and adventure.
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