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Utah Travel Headlines

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Stunning Photos Of Utah's Landscape And Night Sky

The Daily Mail out of the UK has this photo essay showing incredible photos of Utah's landscape and night sky.

Here's the headline: A galaxy not so far away: Salt Lake City photographer captures spectacular images of our own Milky Way arched over the pillars and canyons of Utah

The images show many iconic scenes from our national park, specifically Bryce Canyon and Arches, plus one showing the Great Salt Lake Desert. In addition, the article includes two shot in nearby Grand Teton National Park.

"Photographer Royce Bair uses digital cameras and what he describes as a 'copious collection of portable incandescent and flash lighting equipment' to capture his unique views of the night sky over Utah's spectacular canyons."

I wish I could embed the images here - they really are stunning. But that would draw copyright problems. Click to the article, it is worth a look.

- Dave Webb


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