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Utah Travel Headlines

Monday, October 15, 2007

Utah's Dino Destinations

With Dinosaur National Monument and other sites, Utah is well-known as a great place to learn about dinosaurs. In some places you can see fossils embedded in native rock, in its natural environment. We also offer museums and study area where you can see dozens of fossils, replicas and displays.

The Salt Lake Tribune has this new article on Utah's dinosaur sites. Coincidentally, I am just finishing this Travel Tips newsletter on Utah's sites. There is some overlap between the two features, but each also offers some unique information and insights.

Here are excerpts from the Tribune article:

The state is home to at least 33 different dinosaur species, with more species being discovered on a regular basis at active dig sites. In recent weeks alone, scientists announced the discovery of a 30-foot-tall dinosaur with a snout full of teeth in the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument.

Museums from Ogden to St. George and from Vernal to Blanding offer all sorts of interesting ways to bone up on dinosaurs, including a chance to see actual tracks and fossilized dinosaur skin - and robotic dinosaurs that move and talk.

Read the entire article.


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