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Utah Travel Headlines

Monday, February 08, 2010

Ride the Wind - Utah Gains Reputation for Kite Sports

In this article, the Salt Lake Tribune say Utah is gaining an international reputation for kite sports. Below are excerpts.

Coming to Utah ยป Sustained winds, rolling hills and higher elevations combine to make parts of the state a drawing card for kite-propelled fun.

"I'm kiting in the Bay area on water and wanted to try snowkiting," said Muzik. "This is one of the best places in the States. It has high elevation, more good winds, nice rolling hills and no trees. It's well-known in the sport.

The annual U.S. Open Snowkite Masters event, scheduled for Feb. 25-28 in Fairview Canyon, draws about 70 competitors and another 100 or so spectators including folks from Norway, France and Germany. First prize is about $300. Participants race over a 3-mile course.

Read the entire article.


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