Resolved: More Adventure In 2007

For 2007, I resolve to slow my pace a little and enjoy more and better recreational activities. Here are some of goals on my list:
Explore the San Juan arm of Lake Powell. I’ve poked into virtually every canyon on the lake, except those on the remote San Juan arm. I want to fish up there, hike up to the Navajo rock art gallery in Cha Canyon, slide down the waterfall in Wilson Creek Canyon, and generally explore the area.
Backpack Grand Gulch. This rugged canyon shelters amazing ancient Anasazi ruins and artifacts. I’ve explored some of it and I’m hungry to see more. In particular, I want to visit Perfect Kiva Ruin.
Horse pack into the Red Castle Lakes in the High Uintas. Photos suggest this is one of the most scenic alpine lake areas in America. There is also great trout fishing.
Speaking of fishing, I plan to go after the trophy lake trout in Flaming Gorge.
I’ll also hike a few slot canyons and maybe conquer a mountain peak.
Some may think my goals/resolutions are selfish, me-centered and frivolous. I disagree. I always take people with me on my adventures - my kids, friends and neighbors. Such outings provide a great opportunity to get to know people - to communicate and bond.
I dare say this world would be a better place if more fathers took kids fishing. There would be less gang violence and drug abuse if more kids spent more time hiking Zion’s slot canyons. There would be more peace in this world if more people felt the serenity that comes from connecting with nature.
So, I resolve to recreate...
- Dave Webb
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