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Utah Travel Headlines

Friday, March 09, 2012

Plan Now For The Great Salt Lake Bird Festival

Tickets are now available for the Great Salt Lake Bird Festival, which will be held May 17-21, 2012. You can register online at the festival website.

The festival offers a great opportunity to learn about birds. There will be workshops and presentations, along with field trips to see birds in the wild.

The festival is centered at the Davis County Events Center in the town of Farmington. Field trips will go into Farmington Bay, the Great Salt Lake Shorelands Preserve and other areas where people can see a large number of birds.

The festival is billed as a great family activity. The festival provided this information:

"The 2012 Great Salt Lake Bird Festival will spotlight the many great birding areas in Northern Utah and around the world famous Great Salt Lake. The workshop programming focuses on interacting with live birds, involving youth and families in birding, and providing detailed information for serious birders."

Greg Miller will be keynote speaker.

See the festival website for complete details.


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